Friday, March 04, 2005

Red ken

Another attempt to smear Ken Livingstone as a racist! The man does not, as was recently stated, have a racist bone in his body. To criticise the policies of Israel is not anti-Semitic. It is anti-Israeli policy. Criticising the actions of George Bush is not anti-American. It is anti-George Bush policy. To suggest that anyone who criticises the policy of Israel's regime is anti-Semitic is ludicrous. Millions of Jewish people are not Israeli and are horrified by the Israelis' action. Many many Israeli people are also opposed to Sharon's actions. To smear anyone who critices Sharon as an anti-Semite stifles debate and can only eventually play into the hands of that moronic group of sub-humans who cling to racist anti-Semitic stereotypes. I am thoroughly opposed to what happened in Germany when Hitler was in power. I would condemn Hitler and his nightmare cronies unequivocably. Does that make me anti-German? I have a degree in German, so probably not. Should I now apologise as an anti-German for criticising Hitler?


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