Sunday, May 29, 2005

it was worth a try

The exterminator came. I opened the door to him, expecting a short bald man with round rimless spectacles and an unhealthily expansive knowledge of endomological breeding habits. Instead in walked a handsome yet silent young man with enough toxins in a tank on his back to eliminate Birmingham. He was here for just five minutes, dealing death with every squirt.

He left.

The cockroaches pissed themselves laughing and organised a family get-together in my sink. It was like Naked Lunch but I kept my clothes on. The roaches are still giggling as I type.

Somewhere, around some corner, I shall find THE poison.

Kalinyxta se olous sas, good night each a nos da i chi gyd.


Monday, May 23, 2005

Ach fy mhen i

Penblwydd arall ddoe.

Pen dost y bore 'ma ond pwy sy'n becso dam? Pedwar deg pedwar o flynyddoedd wedi dod a wedi mynd a phob un yn dda. Does gen i ddim hawl i ddathlu? Dim boyfriend, dim job (wel, dim job perffaith), dim problem. Dwi'n teimlo'n optimistig iawn heddiw. Will it last? Mi wela'i.

Kalhnyxta se olous, good night each, nos da i chi gyd a phenblwydd hapus iawn i chi gyd,


Sunday, May 15, 2005

Apart from saving money on shampoo, one of the more satisfying aspects of getting older, or reverse youthing as I prefer to call it, is a heightened sense of pleasure at being in your own house. I recall, when younger, a sense of panic if Saturday evening was approaching and a night out somewhere had not been planned. Now the idea of a cup of tea and a DVD to take me into Sunday sounds utterly acceptable. Whereas I was once incapable of remaining in the house all Sunday, the thought of having my backside firmly ensconced all afternoon on Dolores (this is not a sexist comment - Dolores is simply my pet name for my trusty deck chair, a snip at twenty-five euros from the ever blessed local LIDL supermarket) now sends a cosy frisson of pleasure down my spinal cord. Today's list of dizzy thrills included repotting a shrub and dead-heading the geraniums, interspersed with a dozen cups of Tetley's tea and frequent bouts of bum on said deck chair.
Sadly, tomorrow is Monday, and my pampered backside will be in intimate contact for far too many hours with the chair in my office. But Friday is just few short days away and much of the the intervening eveningtime will be spent with Dolores anyway.

Have a good week, bloggers, young and reverse youthed alike.

Kalhnyxta se olous, good night each, a nos da iawn i bob un ohonoch chi,


Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Xronia polla

Ach, I am back. Xronia polla blogosphere and thank you Helion for your kind comments. England was fine this time.The colours in England in spring are amazing. I know that's nostalgic trash 'cos the colours in every country are amazing in spring, but ex-pats are allowed a little extra nostalgia.
I am now back in front of the computer, somewhat the worse for wear after a fine evening last night with anatomy of melancholy. Sorry we never actually got round to watching the DVD, anatomy, but I've made a copy so we can do it some other night. I thought our rendition of Theos An Einai was exquisite by the way, though I suspect the neighbours were less enamoured of it. Never mind. I am usually a nice quiet neighbour, so I'm sure they will indulge me this once.

Have fun.

Kalhnyxta se olous sas, nos da i chi gyd and good night, each.